A little something about the blog!

I've gotten it in my mind, I have not enough to do, therefore, I have chosen to begin writting about my life, from the birth, 'til now. I have given much thought to what would be said, other than remembering. I will post pages as I finish in sequence of living years. Nothing before it's time.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Been a while, how about an update???

The winter here is not what is has been in the past years, hardly any snow for summer crops, the rains of the spring, seem to have missed the area I live in.

Last fall, a sibling purchased Cranberry Cotoneaster bushes, for all of the kids to plant in memory of Mom, guess this was about Mom's birthday, October 11, I hestatied, and wanted to plant in the spring, to be sure I wasn't digging frozen ground. I was concerned about the poor thing dying, but it made it and has new growth. I planted it in a sunny area in the yard just off the corner of the garage.

Not a very good picture, but will post better ones as the summer comes along.

We all love Mom's cranberry relish, guess the reason. No, she didn't use the berries from this kind of bush, she used actual cranberries.

til next time.
